My Favorite Garden Route Secret Spots

Once you arrive in our piece of Eden, it’s easy to find beauty everywhere. This is just my list of hidden places I love… and will probably have my ashes strewn at one of them one day!

Once you arrive in our piece of eden, it’s easy to find beauty everywhere.


This is just my list of hidden places I love and will probably have my ashes strewn at one of them one day (hahaha)

[ Although I would love to just splurge the whole list here, I simply can’t ramble through all of these, so here’s a selection… ]




This picture, or rather this moment, says it all. Unedited. No filter.

If you could see from the front, you’ll even see tears in our eyes as we were staring at this sunset, local white wine in hand, some Paulo Nutini in the background and a yellow-tail (fish) sizzling on the braai…

This is definitely one of my favorite spots in the Garden Route… The lagoon side on Sedgefield Island during July

[This was during our 8 Day Discovery road trip – 2017].


“Now look, a secret spot is not necessarily so secret that NO-ONE knows about it… I simply see it as a small hidden viewpoint or picnic spot that is hard to just run into.”


Another one worth a top mention is a beach near Natures Valley – how do you get there…? You’ll have to enjoy the 3 hour Salt River hike and DEFINITELY pack a picnic and spend some time there as this is what makes it special to me; besides being more picturesque than most famous places around the world, it’s character lies in it’s solitude.




Check out these accommodation options around the area


Swartlvei Beach Campsite just outside Sedgefield is high up my weekend picnic list. With lagoon views, massive trees for shade, braai spots and friendly locals running the site this is a winner for the family weekend braai. It’s on the northern side of the dunes so it’s sunny all year round and at R80 per vehicle and R30 per person it’s cheaper than taking the family to the mall!


Now Cloud 9 is probably the most well known in this list as it is we’ll visited by paraglider and locals alike, but nonetheless deserves a mention here. Simple amenities  are easily overseen by the dominating factor here… the view!! Looking out over Sedgefield you’ll be able to see from Gerickes Point to Goukamma Nature reserve. An there’s plenty of space for a large group and some sweet accommodation options around.


Rock the Route Garden Route Tours


The next spot is for the fit or able bodied traveler… The waterfall hike at Stormsriver Mouth. This is a full day excursion and you can overnight in Plettenberg Bay, because one needs to spend some time at the ONLY waterfall in the Garden Route that falls into the ocean…




Then, behold. The Brenton on Sea sunset braai or picnic spot. Simple to find and only 10 minutes drive outside of Knysna, this is one for the slow traveler. And with a roughly 7km stretch of beach to Buffels Bay… this one is for the beach lovers!!

Here’s a little enticing winter sunset. Pretty average.



The next one is as much a secret as you can get in a semi-populated area. Above Barrington you’ll find the Garden Route Trail Park for mountain bike lovers and if you follow the public road though to the top of the hill… the viewpoint before the SAN Parks office is to die for. Good for lunch or sunset. No picture available for this one as I never have my phone with me when I go there… 😉

Teniqua Tree Tops is an amazing little getaway in the area!


I hope you can get your nature fix with one of these! And please take some pictures of your Garden Route picnic and send them to us. We want to choose the best and you can stand a chance to win one of our picnic experiences – an organic, biodegradable picnic basket (including contents!) and craft beers for 2.

Send them strait to us – or tag @rocktheroute on all social media.


Cheers to the weekend!


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